Your Paris Apartment Search
Before you begin, visit Paris Apartment Prices to give you an idea of price by size and location.
Your budget must include the list price of the apartment (size in m2 x price per m2 for a given Paris neighborhood) plus 10% for closing costs. We then recommend adding 1000 euros per m2 for a basic refresh up to 3000+ per m2 for a full renovation.
Answer as best you can so we can prepare your free consultation by creating a tailored search mission based on your unique requirements. It’s OK if you don’t know everything yet, we'll help you get there.
Before you begin, visit Paris Apartment Prices to give you an idea of price by size and location.
Your budget must include the list price of the apartment (size in m2 x price per m2 for a given Paris neighborhood) plus 10% for closing costs. We then recommend adding 1000 euros per m2 for a basic refresh up to 3000+ per m2 for a full renovation.
Answer as best you can so we can prepare your free consultation by creating a tailored search mission based on your unique requirements. It’s OK if you don’t know everything yet, we'll help you get there.
Paris Perfect Buyers
9, rue Jacques Cœur
75004 Paris
75004 Paris